Mid-Minnesota USBC Association Fall Meeting & Jamboree
8/17/15 • Sauk Rapids VFW
The Fall meeting of the Mid-Minnesota USBC Association was held on Monday, August 17, 2015 at the VFW in Sauk Rapids. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President, Pete Reuter.
Roll call of the board was taken. All were present except Director, Sue Colgrove who was excused and Director, Jeff Cypher who was absent.
Total meeting attendance was 54 adult & youth members and 10 guests.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
Memorial Service
Mary Lou Westra conducted the memorial service to honor our bowling comrades who had passed away during the last year. (List of names is on file.)
President’s Report
President, Pete Reuter asked for volunteers to consider helping with the lane certification that is done annually at all the bowling centers in our association. Rick Saatzer has been doing it for many years and would like to have someone else takeover for him. Anyone interested should contact Pete or Barb Churchill.
The 2015 recipients of the year-end awards for association High Series, High Average and Most Improved Bowler in all divisions, both youth and adult, were presented with a plaque for their achievements. (The names are on file and pictures were taken by Marla Elness to be posted on the association website.) Barb also extended congratulations to youth bowler, Abby Moeller, who had earned one of the four $1,000 scholarships awarded by the Minnesota Bowling Association.
Following the awards presentation, a drawing was held for five free memberships for the 2015/16 season. The winners were: Sandi Meier, Dan Winkelman, Timothy Ruck, Katie Reuter and Brandon Reese.
The youth members were then excused from the meeting.
Financial Report
Barb Churchill reported, as of 7/31/15, the total cash on hand was $41,157.91. Net income for the 2014/15 season was a negative $4,587.22. The membership totals were down by appox. 100 from the previous season. The budget for the 2015/16 season reflected an expected decrease in income. We currently had inventory left for the local awards program, but it was unsure if it would last for the second year of the two year program. The Food Shelf collection, normally taken in March, was being discontinued, but the BVL and Special Olympics fund raisers will be conducted as usual. There were no other major changes. The budget was approved following motions made by Sandi Meier and Dan Winkelman.
Committee Reports
Bob Beltz announced the association tournament dates. Applications would be available in October at the bowling centers and on the website.
Terry Elness said our website had 2,100 hits in ten months. We are looking for more advertisers at $360 per year. Our Facebook is being updated. It will have automatic reminders of association events if you click on the “Like” icon.
With the awards program in its second year of a two year program, Barb was looking for input or ideas going forward. League awards for high series and high average were available this season.
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
Sani Meier introduced Dawn Marker, a representative from the local VA Hospital. She was the Volunteer Service Director and spoke of the need to have people visit and interact with the patients or help out in other ways. She distributed a handout detailing some of the activities and areas where volunteers were needed.
There being no further business, Pete asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by Dan Winkelman and seconded by John Keller. The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 P.M.
Sue Walters
Recording Secretary